          All USA elected, current existing Presidents should be killed and go to hells Bush asks Congress to release $350B...Holds final White House news conference...'Good, strong record'...Cites disappointments, mistakes...Defends response to Katrina...Says Iran, NKorea remain dangerous...'I have had my time in the Klieg lights'...Obama 'will do what he thinks is right'...'I chucked aside my free-market principles'...Barnes: Ten things Bush got right... That's George Bush junior crime that he failed to do like that. US President Using slavery linked Condi Rice to seat in public office is unforgivable, undefendable crime, that alone more deserve him to be killed and go to hells than J.F.Kennedy, and 0bama 's crime already showed far worse than J.F.Kennedy showe 婚禮顧問d, that George Bush junior dare see that worse like nothing, dare shamelessly to defend the undefendable criminal with the sucking words "Obama 'will do what he thinks is right'..." showed both of them must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. "Obama 'will do what he thinks is right'...", who will not??? "Barnes: Ten things Bush got right... ", too suck to know that President ought to do things right; must not be allowed to do anything incorrect. "Says Iran, NKorea remain dangerous...", both Iran and NKorea far less evil, less dangerous than USA liars(When your form of marriage, your form of Free world leader showed obvious lies, you cannot have the good will to keep your silent nice to hide, you dare 室內裝潢 abuse your public office power to suck, you should be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later.) like George Bush junior selfish "Defends response to Katrina..." showed. Just see how good will Iran and Nkorea not to have any their evil doer to come out to bother the rest of the world to see their less evil fact."Obama 'will do what he thinks is right'..." Therefore, Mrs.Obama (Mrs.Obama, your husband went to work out[Obama starts off day with workout... ^ From the December 23, 2008 00:19:48 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.] showed that he's unfitted to be your head[He should have had brought you and your kids go to walk on the park, go 票貼to shop, go to theatre, or stay at home to do the house work, to do the yard job instead of selfishly wasting public energy to build his artificial fake muscle], your husband "Obama preparing to issue executive orderTimothy James McVeigh> his first week in office -- and perhaps his first day -- to close Gitmo... ^" showed he's unfitted to be elected USA President.[He's obviously too stupid bad ugly evil to know that USA President@@His order can only have absolute right inside his White House, any order out of his White House must have to rely on that any public authority willingness to grant his words***Then, how the system can be worked out? Because every other public worker must have to rely on other p 結婚西裝ublic co-work to grant his words to do the public service duty, therefore, unless that word too suck to meet his conscious standard, moral value, public duty integrity, every public worker must have all his good will willing to honor what he looked up orderly. That how suck that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger showed failed to show his mankind to welcome his USA President coming to his State, failed to do his duty to show his guts to kill his USA President to show his tough love, failed to show his strength to keep silent nice to hide his own suck.***, that may explain how come US Congress can have right to pay special attention to Taiwan in order to show US President nexion too suck to deserve a grant. Therefore, US President's killing or parden ##Therefore, when you parden, you have t 西裝o please the best minority righteous eyes, so that you can have right to kill anyone under your watch dare refused to grant your words, because you kill, you just need to have the best sniper willing to do the duty to kill that must have God to agree with that kill##order out of White House&&&This may explain how come your President must have the good will to bring his First Lady along with him whenever where ever out of his White House to show his mankind to see his First Lady better than any dog master, to have her to have the luck to die for him inside his arms when it becomes the best option, to company her to leave when anyone showed any disrespect to him offended her eyes and ears. Any place not proper or not suitable for your First Lady to go, your President must have not to go in any way.&&&, must have to rely on o 禮服thers who have more right out of White House to agree with him. Therefore, it must be Bill and Hillary Clinton's crime to left Foster body to be lied on public park floor that showed up out of White House ground.@@ must have no right to have a say in anything out of his USA White House room, USA President can only sign the paper that anyone presents on the desk inside White House office. That how stupid bad ugly evil that George Bush junior, Condi Rice showed to go to China Communist to suck, because they must be too stupid bad ulgy evil to know that by doing things like that, they already place USA must have to rely on China Communist mercy to live, because they must have to grant the words that China Communist demanded, because China Communist is lawless Godless but the words of their teamed head, yet no one needs to care what USA Preside 591nt words out of his White House room, no one needs to care what USA Secretary words, even those workers working under USA Secretary watch, because public workers must work at self consciousness, self wisdom, self integrity, the supervisor must have no right to abuse public power to see any public workers like personal slave. USA President must have no right to close any office, not mention Gitmo must have nothing to do with any President elected majored by USA stupid bad ugly evil voters. Any elected USA official got my attention to tell you that anyone unfitted, you need to pay special attention to doubt check, anyone got me to tell you must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later, you can just do like that to rely on God approves. Because I don't have social life, I don't have any personal link with any politicians, I don't have any power sex mo ARMANIney links, I can see birth heavy, death light. I see anyone who can have the good will and skill to give me a best gun shot to leave as hero instead of criminal. ])can help her husband, herself, and her nation to do better to do her duty to demand her husband to give up his White House jail. Mrs.Obama, "Defends response to Katrina..." showed how suck that George Bush junior should be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later(Too stupid bad ugly evil to know what White House hired press person for. When USA President left no one be able to defend him, he must have to rely on God justice instead of abused his office time to do selfish talk.), not mention your husband Obama far much more sucker than George Bush junior. Because George Bush junior did not like your husband to let his wife to forget her duty to stay home 24 hours 7 days available for her kids only, because George Bush 租房子junior did not showed the suck to waste public energy to work out artificial muscle to pollute all those public body guard eyes ears invisibly lies, because George Bush junior can have the good will and strength to respect every law authority right, not mention USA military force lock.Who can be fitted to be USA President? Any man born in USA, completed educated in USA public system, speaks and writes First Class English, scored Chinese said "Show.Sheng. 7.Jacket. Zhi.Gwall. Ping.Ten.Shot" first two - "Show.Sheng.(to show his power of honesty - "Yan.Are.Yo.Sin") 7.Jacket(to show he can help his wife to do better to overcome Confucius feared "Way.女子.Yu.Shower.Ren.Nun.Young.Yell")" points plus English gentleman kindness - service that woman instead of that woman service him.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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